I am yin and yang

I am love. I radiate it. I find myself with you. You need love more then most. I happily give you my love and expect nothing. I give more love then I will ever receive. I have accepted this.

I am hate. I am the hate you feel when I abandon you. I leave you wondering why. It wasn’t you. I leave because I love me more then I love you.

I am darkness. I find myself consumed by it often. I seclude myself from you during these times. I know it is contagious. I was gifted my darkness at a young age- from the disease of those who couldn’t control theirs.

I am light. I see the light in you. I pull it to the surface. I wish to see you shine. I give you my light, all of it. I can make more. It’s exhausting.

I am pain. I relish it. I live for it. Pain is the place in my mind where I feel calm. It is safe. Pain is in the mind, never in the body. This I can control.

I am pleasure. I will touch you tenderly. I will provide what you need. I will let you get lost in me, in the moments of safe haven.

I am a lie. I am the lies you tell yourself. I am wrapped in a beautiful package with entrancing words. You want to believe me.

I am truth. It will hurt but you will never question me. My tongue is a weapon. I do not wish to slice you with it- but I do.

I am the moon. You never see me whole. I hide the darkest parts of myself. I hide it because you do not need to know. I hide it because you do not care. You do not look at the beauty of the moon and wonder what is hidden, no. You are glamoured by its surface and wish to think of nothing more.

I am the sun. I glow. I’m naturally sun kissed. I give you warmth and life. I give you a cozy place in my heart. I give life to your hopes. I scare away your nightmares.

I am ice. I can be cold. I fear for you, you will experience this part of me. I am unrecognizable. I check out and leave you to freeze.

I am fire. If you are too close I will burn you. The fire in my eyes scares you, but fascinates your curiosity more. Like a child to a flame, unknowing of the danger. You enjoy watching me flicker and dance, you want to touch me. This is a lesson you won’t forget.

I am your angel. I will protect you and guide you to be all you can be.

I am your devil. I will have you doing things you would never do. I will have you burning the world to the ground so you can laugh with me.

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